Entre os dias 19 e 25 de julho, a AEJ realizará a primeira etapa do Intercâmbio Internacional Gingando para Cidadania. Trata-se de um projecto ligado à secção da Capoeira que tem o objectivo de desenvolver o senso de cidadania europeia nos jovens e mostrar-lhes que o desporto é um ótimo instrumento de inclusão social.
Na ocasião, um grupo de 14 jovens estonianos virão a São João da Madeira para conhecer a cultura portuguesa, praticar capoeira, participar do Campeonato de Capoeira Ginga Brasil 2010 e do Batizado e Entrega de Cordas. Entre as actividades previstas, estão workshops de danças folclóricas e música portuguesa, uma peça de teatro e visitas culturais ao Porto e Guimarães.
Na segunda etapa, que acontecerá entre os dias 2 e 9 de agosto, 14 jovens de São João da Madeira viajarão até Taillinn, capital da Estónia, para conhecer a cultura local e igualmente participar das actividades planeadas pelo grupo de jovens estonianos.
O Gingando para Cidadania é um projecto aprovado pela Agência Nacional para Gestão do Programa Juventude em Acção (ANGJPA), no âmbito da Acção 1.1. Conta com a organização e o apoio da AEJ e da Associação Cultural Ginga Brasil Capoeira.
Between 19 and July 25, the AEJ will host the first stage of the International Exchange Gingando para Cidadania. This is a project connected to the section of Capoeira that aims to develop a sense of European citizenship among young people and show them that sport is a great tool for social inclusion.
A group of 14 young Estonians will come to city of São João da Madeira to learn about Portuguese culture, practice capoeira, participate in the Championship of Ginga Brasil Capoeira 2010 , Batizado and the delivery of Cords 2010.Among the activities planned are workshops of traditional dances and Portuguese music, a theater play and cultural visits to Porto and Guimarães.
In the second stage, which will take place between 2 and 9 August, 14 young people from São João da Madeira will travel to Tallinn, capital of Estonia, to get acquainted with the local culture and also participate in activities planned by the group of young Estonians.
Gingando para Cidadania is a project approved by the National Agency for Management of the Youth in Action (ANGJPA), under Action 1.1. Account with the organization and support of the AEJ and Cultural Association Ginga Brasil Capoeira.
Between 19 and July 25, the AEJ will host the first stage of the International Exchange Gingando para Cidadania. This is a project connected to the section of Capoeira that aims to develop a sense of European citizenship among young people and show them that sport is a great tool for social inclusion.
A group of 14 young Estonians will come to city of São João da Madeira to learn about Portuguese culture, practice capoeira, participate in the Championship of Ginga Brasil Capoeira 2010 , Batizado and the delivery of Cords 2010.Among the activities planned are workshops of traditional dances and Portuguese music, a theater play and cultural visits to Porto and Guimarães.
In the second stage, which will take place between 2 and 9 August, 14 young people from São João da Madeira will travel to Tallinn, capital of Estonia, to get acquainted with the local culture and also participate in activities planned by the group of young Estonians.
Gingando para Cidadania is a project approved by the National Agency for Management of the Youth in Action (ANGJPA), under Action 1.1. Account with the organization and support of the AEJ and Cultural Association Ginga Brasil Capoeira.