Since 2010 when this long-lasting project have started, Ginga Brasil Association managed to organize many events named "Gingando para a Cidadania". Some of them were small and local, some were enormous logistic challenge for us. With every year and every new experience the idea grow and get to involve more and more people from different countries.
Estonia and Portugal "doing ginga for citizenship" during bilateral meeting in 2011 |
Gingando para a Cidadania started as bilateral partnership with capoeiristas from Estonia - then with time and financial support from Youth in Action Program grew to multicultural project. Till now our association was able to host and influence partners from Brazil, France, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and spread among them the idea of “doing ginga for civic society”. Of course those meetings were great opportunity for practicing Capoeira, play with many capoeiristas, exchange some experience. However we want to believe that – through showing how Association works and through sharing the knowledge of how write and realize projects founded by EU – we have managed to inspire many people to start their own work similar to our idea.But “Gingando para a Cidadania” are not only events that have this label on. It’s everyday work – an “ant’s” work – that culminates every year with Capoeira workshops or multicultural meetings. This work is not only giving classes but also building relationship with local authorities, institutions, cooperating with partner associations and supporting cultural actions of these entities.
Social consultation - cooperation between local associations and local authorities |
There are also other projects submitted, approved and realized by Association – descriptions of some of them will occur in next articles.
Project "Toca a Gingar" - multicultural meeting in 2013 |
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